Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tempted by P.C. and Kristin Cast

Author: P.C. and Kristin Cast
Reading level: Young Adult
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

Rated 9/10
"Passion, lust, need, hunger, and pain" fill the pages of this tale of Zoey Redbird, the new-and-still learning-the-ropes High Priestess of the House of Night. Zoey has her hands full coping with three guys—Heath, friend since childhood and human blood bank; Stark, newly pledged as her Warrior, a guardian with a bond so tight he can sense her emotions; and possessive Eric who gets summarily dumped in the beginning pages. If that is not enough guy trouble, she is also trying to cope with the disturbingly strong feelings she has for the fallen angel Kalona with whom she had a relationship in a previous life. Her best friend, Stevie Rae, is acting weird and secretive...with good reason. Stevie Rae is still hoping that the hidden red fledglings will find their humanity and choose good over evil. And, unimaginably, she has saved the life of a Raven Mocker, one of the mutant offspring of Kalona and the women he raped, and hidden him in the tunnels beneath Tulsa. Fans of the vampire genre will enjoy this sixth installment of the "House of Night" series. But read the first five books before beginning this one. Marked (House of Night Series #1) Betrayed (House of Night Series #2) Chosen (House of Night Series #3) Untamed (House of Night Series #4) Hunted (House of Night Series #5). Without knowing the back story of "The House of Night" series and the events and people who were part of it, this book might be utterly confusing. Reviewer: Anita Barnes Lowen
This is the sixth book in the House of Night series. I loved it even though one of my favorite characters was killed at the end(it made me sad like when Sirius died in the 3rd Harry Potter book and when Dumbledore died in the 6th Harry Potter book,for those that know me it's a big deal lol)I'm addicted to this series and can't get over it,it's one of my new favorites :) And it majorily sucks that I have to wait like 3 months to learn what happen next. In this book we see through more than just the eyes of Zoey and learn what happens after she banished Kolona to Italy. We see through Stevie Rae's point of view when she finds Rephaim(a raven mocker and Kolona's favorite son) and helps him after he recieves a fatal wounds. We see through the eyes of Rephaim when he helps Stevie Rae when she's in need. We see through Aphrodite's view in one chapter and how she feels about Darius. We see through Stark's(Zoey's warrior) eyes and how he feels when he might be too late to save Zoey. And we see through Heath's eyes when he finds out the truth about Kalona's plans something terrible happens from it. Pretty good read. And now I'm one of those fangirls I'm always complaining about!

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