Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Heavenstone Secrets by V.C. Andrews

Author: V.C. Andrews
Reading level: Adult
Publisher: Gallery

Rated 8/10
The Heavenstone sisters live with their mother and father in a grand old mansion in bluegrass Kentucky. Semantha, the younger and prettier one, is afraid of so many things— darkness, strange noises, mysterious whispers in the night. But nothing frightens her more than her sister, Cassie. She is older and wiser, and always telling Semantha what to do, what to wear, and how to behave around those wicked boys at school. Semantha has her eye on one special guy—but Cassie has other plans for her. In the Heavenstone house, big sister knows best.


When tragedy strikes like a lightning bolt from heaven, Semantha’s life becomes a living hell. Under Cassie’s constant, watchful eye, she feels like a prisoner—a helpless pawn in her sister’s cruel game. When Cassie begins wearing their mother’s clothes and vying for their father’s affections, Semantha realizes she must bring their twisted sibling rivalry to an end . . . before a new generation is born.

This book was absolute trash and that's why I liked reading it LOL! It's to be expected really when you pick up a V.C. Andrews book written in the last ten years(she's been dead for a while but they still have other people writing as ghost writers using her name) I was in the mood for a trashy book and knew what I was getting into. I will admit sometimes trashy books are guilty pleasures of mine LOL!!!!! The book is a fast read and very predictable but it helped pass some time so I read it. Most books I hate, I hate because people make them out to be wonderful, in reality they really aren't. You don't get that with modern V.C. Andrews books,you know it's gonna be trashy the moment you pick it up! Semantha Heavanstone(and no I didn't misspell it,they wrote it like that all through the book) is a 9th grader who has a perfect older sister Cassie who bosses her around all the time. Semantha never really sticks up for herself, and her family is super rich. Her mother finds out she is pregnant with a son and so it sets things into motion with Cassie caring for her,but soon she has a miscarriage and dies herself not too long after. You get this weird feeling about Cassie because she love her dad a lil too much(made me a lil uncomfortable at times,don't worry there's no incest in this V.C.Andrews book)Basically Cassie is someone who does anything in her power to look perfect in her dad's eyes.She soon tries to take her mother's place from cooking to even dressing in her mom's old clothes,jewelry, and makeup after she dies. Read it for yourself if you want to know more(I left quite a bit out just for the fun of it).

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