Monday, May 24, 2010

Secret Whispers by V.C. Andrews

Author: V.C. Andrews
Reading Level: Adult
Publisher: Pocket Star

Rated 8/10
On the eve of her graduation from an exclusive private school, shy wallflower Semantha Heavenstone is caught in a whirl of scandal and betrayal. Now, she's returned to the grand Kentucky mansion where painful memories of her mother and her older sister, Cassie, are as potent as newly mown bluegrass. It seems no matter where she goes, Semantha is haunted by a voice from the grave — spiteful, domineering Cassie, whose taunts and manipulations seem as real as when she was alive.


Soon her father will remarry, new memories — and a new stepmother — will replace the past...and Semantha herself has a chance at a bright future with a career inside the Heavenstone empire and handsome Ethan Hunter by her side. But someone will see to it that Semantha never forgets the tragedies of yesterday. Will Cassie's ghostly hold on Semantha destroy her hope and drive her to madness?
This is the second book in the Heavenstone series. It was trash plain and simple and I loved it,you should know by now any book written under the name V.C. Andrews is gonna be. That's also exactly why I read it,sometimes trashy is fun to read and I've already read the first book and was curious to what was gonna happen. There were some dull parts,not gonna lie, but anyone who likes V.C. Andrews books will probably like this one as well.Semantha has graduated high school and is dealing with her father remarrying a woman(Lucille) she just doesn't like,also dealing with her own romantic relationship with a guy(Ethan) she met while in school. Semantha also deals with the pain and lonliness she feels for giving her daughter up after the whole mess in the first book and is haunted by her dead sister Cassie. Soon she starts taking some of the advice Cassie's ghost is giving her and gets herself in a few messes while other times sticking up for herself and having more confidence in herself. It's a book full of more tragedy for the Heavenstone family.

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